DSA & Other Socialist Electeds Stand With UPS Teamsters in Their Fight for a Fair Contract

Over 340,000 Teamsters at United Parcel Service (UPS) work every day to make sure that everyone gets their packages. Their labor keeps our local communities running, stocks our hospitals and schools with supplies, and ensures that our elderly neighbors and relatives receive their medication on time. When the worst pandemic in a century ground the country to a halt, UPS Teamsters never stopped working. We needed heroes, and they stood up. 

On August 1, 2023, the Teamsters contract at UPS expires. As the company brings in billions of dollars in profit every year, the majority of its employees work part-time hours for low wages. Package car drivers are harassed and over-supervised by managers to try to make them work as fast as possible, while semi-truck drivers are forced to work excessive overtime, putting themselves and the public at risk. And while hundreds of thousands of families depend upon the wages and benefits provided by full-time union jobs, UPS is starting to shift delivery volume to non-union gig workers to deliver packages out of their personal vehicles.

UPS Teamsters are fighting back. At every hub, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) is organizing their members for a tough contract fight. The message from the rank-and-file and the union leadership is clear: no more two-tier wages between part-timers and full-timers; no more gig workers taking union jobs; air conditioning in all vehicles; and no concessions to our health insurance and benefits. UPS is an economic juggernaut. They can afford to pay the union difference.

UPS Teamsters have always been there for us when we need them. Now it’s our turn to stand with them.

Many of us are members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) serving in public office. When workers fight the bosses, we know which side we are on. Like the rest of the 90,000 members of DSA, we know that the contract fight at UPS is part of a larger fight-back in this country. Hundreds of millions of workers are waking up to their collective ability to build a better world. We deserve democracy in our workplaces, our neighborhoods, and all corners of society, and to live in a country where everyone can prosper. We know that the struggle for this beautiful socialist future begins on the shop floor, and as democratic socialists we stand loudly and proudly alongside all workers who demand to be treated with dignity and respect.

Therefore, as DSA members and other socialists in public office, we commit to:

  • Amplify the demands of the rank-and-file through public statements of support
  • Hold UPS accountable to meet the just demands of their workers
  • Respect the will of the Teamsters membership in their contract fight
  • Organize our colleagues who hold elected office to work with the IBT in order to support any political strategy the union develops to support their contract fight
  • Organize meetings to educate our constituents about the coming contract fight and invite rank-and-file Teamsters to participate

We further commit that, if their contract fight leads to strike action or other concerted activity, we will publicly stand with UPS Teamsters on the picket line, and will do everything within our power as elected officials to ensure that they emerge victorious from the fight.

UPS Teamsters – your fight is our fight! 

Solidarity forever!